Tax and Fee Report, Vol X, No. 4
During the first year of the Legislature’s 2023-24 session, California lawmakers considered more than $203.5 billion in new taxes and fees, including a “wealth tax,” a government-run health care system that would require hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes, a tax on oil company earnings, a corporate tax increase that would make California’s rate the highest in the nation, and numerous fee increases. This figure includes all tax and fee legislation introduced from the beginning of the session through September 14, 2023, when both houses adjourned for the year.

Tax and Fee Report, Vol X, No. 2
During the first five months of the 2023-24 session, California lawmakers considered more than $196.3 billion in new taxes and fees, including a “wealth tax,” a government-run health care system that would require hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes, a tax on oil company earnings, a corporate tax increase that would make California’s rate the highest in the nation, and numerous fee increases. This figure includes all tax and fee legislation introduced from the beginning of the session through May 19, 2023.

California Tax Facts: An Overview of the Golden State's Tax Structure
California Tax Facts: An Overview of the Golden State’s Tax Structure describes the taxes imposed by California’s state and local governments, and includes informative charts and tables with statistics on who pays the taxes, how much revenue is collected, and much more.

Tax and Fee Report, Vol X, No. 1
During the first three months of the 2023-24 session, California lawmakers have considered more than
$185.6 billion in new taxes and fees, including a “wealth tax,” a government-run health care system that would require hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes, a tax on oil company earnings, and a slew of fee increases. This figure includes all tax and fee legislation introduced from the beginning of the session through this report’s publication date.

Tax and Fee Report, Vol X, No. 3
During the first year of the 2023-24 session, California lawmakers considered more than $203.7 billion in new taxes and fees, including a “wealth tax,” a government-run health care system that would require hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes, a tax on oil company earnings, a corporate tax increase that would make California’s rate the highest in the nation, and numerous fee increases. This figure includes all tax and fee legislation introduced from the beginning of the session through July 17, 2023.

Taxing Commercial and Industrial Property at Full Market Value: An Economic Impact Assessment
Proponents of treating business property differently for assessment purposes
focus on the additional government spending that the tax increase would make
possible. An estimate of the additional government spending that would be
allowed by one recent proposal is $10.4 billion per year. Of this amount, about $4
billion would be spent by K–12 schools and community colleges, and $6 billion
would be spent by cities, counties, and special districts other than schools.

Tax and Fee Report: Major Taxes and Fees Introduced in the California Legislature
During the second year of the 2021‑22 session, California lawmakers have considered more than
$194.62 billion in new taxes and fees, including a “wealth tax,” a variety of tax increases to fund a
government-run health care program, a carbon tax, and a new tax on gains from property sales. This figure
includes all pending tax and fee legislation as of this report’s publication date – legislation introduced this
year, as well as proposals from 2021 that were acted upon this year or remain eligible for action.

California Tax Facts: An Overview of the Golden State's Tax Structure
California Tax Facts: An Overview of the Golden State’s Tax Structure describes the taxes imposed by California’s state and local governments, and includes informative charts and tables with statistics on who pays the taxes, how much revenue is collected, and much more.

Tax and Fee Report: Major Taxes and Fees Introduced in the California Legislature
During the second year of the 2021‑22 session, California lawmakers considered more than $198.9 billion in new taxes and fees, including a “wealth tax,” a variety of tax increases to fund a government-run health care program, a carbon tax, and a new tax on gains from property sales. This figure includes legislation introduced this year, as well as proposals from 2021 that were acted upon this year.

Tax and Fee Report: Major Taxes and Fees Introduced in the California Legislature
During the first months of the 2021-22 session, California lawmakers proposed more than $234.48 billion
in new taxes and fees, including income tax increases, a “wealth tax” that would be the first in the nation, and business tax increases.

Tax and Fee Report: Major Taxes and Fees Introduced in the California Legislature
During the second year of the 2021‑22 session, California lawmakers have considered more than
$190 billion in new taxes and fees, including a “wealth tax” and a slew of tax increases to fund a government-run healthcare system. This figure includes all pending tax and fee legislation as of this report’s publication date – legislation introduced this year, as well as proposals from 2021 that were acted
upon this year or remain eligible for action.

Factsheet: Understanding California's Property Tax Burden
Under a split roll property tax system, not all properties on the assessment roll are treated equally. Proposition 13 provides that property will be subject to the same rules regarding the maximum assessed value, assessment practices, and maximum tax rates.

California Tax Facts: An Overview of the Golden State's Tax Structure
California Tax Facts: An Overview of the Golden State’s Tax Structure describes the taxes imposed by California’s state and local governments, and includes informative charts and tables with statistics on who pays the taxes, how much revenue is collected, and much more.